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GAP Conference
November 7, 2024

Berlin Encore Hotel and Suites
The GAP Conference is an event for business professionals, owners, and entrepreneurs.

At GAP Conference, we are committed to fostering growth, accelerating progress, and propelling individuals and organizations towards success.

Our mission is to provide a transformative platform where attendees can gain valuable insights, learn actionable strategies, and forge meaningful connections. Through a curated blend of engaging speakers, interactive breakouts, and collaborative networking opportunities, we aim to empower participants to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and unlock their full potential.

Together, we aspire to bridge the gap between aspirations and achievements, inspiring a community of forward-thinkers to grow, accelerate, and propel towards a future of limitless possibilities.


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Non-profit Partner

includeability logo

Founded in 2021, IncludeAbility embarked on a mission that resonates with purpose: to empower individuals with physical disabilities, foster a sense of belonging within their communities, and promote inclusion in every facet of life. As a non-profit organization, IncludeAbility is dedicated to the pursuit of an accessible world, striving to ensure people with disabilities are seamlessly integrated into all aspects of society.

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GAPcon is a great way to connect with other local businesses, learning from each other and growing as a leader.  I've always walked away with key ideas that I can use to grow personally and professionally.  I wouldn't miss this event!


 I loved seeing so many familiar faces! This event is such a great opportunity for professional growth and to connect with community businesses!

Rachel S

The GAP Conference was a great event, full of wisdom and knowledge from those who spoke. I definitely took a lot away from listening to a couple of panels and hearing stories from the speakers on the main stage. This event is worth attending and gives you a chance to meet new people as well.

Kirsten L

Well organized and enjoyable event. Very motivating and informative.

Darius N
front of amish country theaterman speaking on gap con stagethree attendees enjoying gap conmeeting in a roomtwo gap con attendees smilingmany gap con attendants mingling in a common area